What are the core advantages of MiR robots?
1.Intelligent and flexible
Autonomous positioning, autonomous path planning, autonomous real-time navigation
ROS based intelligent mobile robot.
Flexibly execute complex and flexible tasks between multiple points.
2.Simple and easy to use
The web-based control page has extremely simple programming, making the operation and programming of MiR extremely easy. No need for professional engineers to operate and maintain the robot.
3.Secure Collaboration
Human robot collaboration and safety assurance are one of the core advantages of MiR robots, with an independent Sik safety system and relevant safety certifications.
4.System openness
In addition to supporting conventional communication protocols for industrial automation, open the restAPI port for web pages. Make MiR robots one of the more open industrial robots.
5.Stable operation
As a product with a large installed capacity in the field of autonomous mobile robots, stability has become the core advantage of MiR robots, and software and hardware versions will be constantly updated.
Why can MiR robots adapt to your business needs?
Capable of collaborating with human security
Can avoid static and dynamic obstacles
Compliant with relevant safety standards
Open platform, easily customizable with different top modules
You can use out of the box solutions provided by third-party providers in MiR or MiRGo
With the help of MiR Fleet, robot fleets can be quickly and centrally configured;
By sharing data between robots, new robots can be easily added to the fleet;
Coordinate traffic flow between robots;
4.High efficiency
Capable of navigating in highly dynamic environments;
Can choose efficient paths and automatically calculate alternative paths when necessary;
Support multiple pick-up and delivery points;
5.Easy integration
Can be quickly deployed in an economical manner without disrupting existing processes or layouts;
Even without previous programming experience, programming can still be done through an easy-to-use robot interface.
When there are changes in the factory floor or process, the settings of the MiR robot can be easily modified;
Can adapt to most environments and move freely in narrow spaces, drive uphill, take elevators, etc.