Non standard automation is developing towards high integration, flexibility, and intelligence
With the advancement of technology and the rise of labor costs, non-standard automation is increasingly emerging. The so-...
What is the difference between mechanical design and non-standard automation?
In the past two years, non-standard automated advertisements have been flying all over the Internet, which must be obviou...
Global automotive industry achieves internal logistics automation through mobile robots
Recently, the global automotive industry has begun to pay attention to the autonomous mobile robot AMR for transportation...
How to use MiR collaborative AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robot) to improve internal logistics
When we mention collaborative robots, we usually think of collaborative robotic arms. The robotic arm belongs to the firs...
Mobile MIR robots: Human robot collaboration is the future trend
It is not difficult to see that developing collaborative robots has become one of the development directions for many rob...
Analysis of Key Technologies for Mobile Robots
Mobile robots, as a new type of robot, are increasingly widely used in production, life, scientific research, and space e...