If a factory employs over 300 people and covers an area of 5300 square meters. The process of transporting finished products from the production line to the warehouse is carried out using old-fashioned AGV carts with relatively low capacity. How to use new solutions to improve logistics processes? And optimize truck loading options, reduce the number of pallets used, and improve safety.
After conducting research on mobile robots in the market, the factory ultimately chose to purchase multiple MIR robots. The Mir robot is designed for automatic transportation of pallets and heavy objects, with a load capacity of up to 500 kg and a speed of up to 7.2 km/h.
The following briefly explains the advantages of Mir robots:
1. Improve transportation efficiency
After receiving the task, the Mir robot retrieves an empty pallet from the warehouse and transports it to the production site. Next, the Mir robot places empty trays on the empty tray rack, retrieves trays filled with finished products, and returns them to the warehouse. If there are no tasks to complete upon arrival at the warehouse, the Mir robot will automatically drive and charge.
mir adopts a three shift system and works 24/7. By deploying Mir robots, transportation efficiency has been greatly improved. The robot includes eight types of circuits - each with an average length of 140 meters. During a shift change, the robot travels an average of 5.5-6 kilometers. If any changes need to be made to the robot's tasks, such as minor layout modifications, all of these changes will be made by employees.
2.Improve security
360 degree laser continuously monitors the surrounding environment of the mobile robot to ensure safety. Compared to the previously used AGV cars, the Mir robot allows it to work safely in dynamic environments through 3D machine vision and laser scanning - it can detect people and machines, and stop or bypass employees and obstacles. For example, just before entering the room with someone, Mir makes a sound to indicate its presence.