What are the functions of Robotiq gripper?
时间:2022-01-21 人气:

The Robotiq gripper has functions such as grasping, object detection, and automatic calibration. Below, the editor will provide a detailed explanation.


Overview of Robot Claw Function


The Robotiq gripper has a driver for opening and closing fingers. Claw uses parallel editing or surround editing. The Robotiq fixture solution depends on the geometric shape of the parts and their position relative to the fixture. That is to say, if the same parts are selected, the grasping method may be different. Please note that the gripper can only grasp the object in parallel when it contacts the upper part of the distal phalanx. On the contrary, for enclosing the grip, the gripper must first make contact with the object from the proximal or lower end of the distal phalanx. In addition, to ensure stability, when encircling, the object should be placed against the support surface of the gripper. (Or support surface to ensure stability and reliability)


Overview of Robot Claw Position, Speed, Force Control, and Functions:


1.Set position: Fingertip movement position.


2.Set speed: the speed during the opening and merging process.


Setting force: Define the final clamping force of the gripper tool. This force limits the maximum current transmitted to the motor during clamp motion (cut-off current limit). When the current limit is exceeded, the finger will stop and trigger an object search notification.


Robot Claw Detection Function:


1.To achieve this, check the magnitude of the motor drive current. There is PID control inside the controller. Once blocked, due to the action of the integral I, when the driving current increases and exceeds the maximum limit of I, the object is considered to be caught.


2.This function is also applicable to lost or falling objects. If an object is detected to have fallen, an alert will be issued to the user.


The accuracy of object detection is only a few millimeters. In some cases, even if object detection has been captured, the object may not be detected. For example, in the absence of object detection, grasping thin objects with fingertips may be successful. Therefore, be careful when using this feature.


Robot Claw Automatic Calibration Function:


1.With Robotiq gripper automatic compensation, the grasping can be adjusted to the fingertips.


2.Regardless of the size and shape used, always start from 0, completely close from 255, and follow a quasi linear relationship from 0 to 255.


3.Set up an automatic calibration program to automatically recognize finger width after switching fingers.


How do I know if I need to install a board?


If the robot fixator and robot wrist are chosen, there is sufficient information about the bolt pattern, so they must be assembled together.


Firstly, access the Robotiq support section to ensure that only a single coupling is available. In order to adapt to today's common robots, the various coupling catalogs we have created will be able to be updated regularly in detail. By comparing the robot bolt mode and the coupled bolt mode, the appropriate settings can be determined.