Overview of Robotiq Claw Grasping Function
时间:2022-09-28 人气:

Overview of Robotiq Claw Grasping Function

A gripper is a common type of end effector that is installed on the arm of an industrial robot to directly grasp workpieces or perform work. It has the function of clamping, transporting, and placing workpieces to a certain position. In terms of form, claws can be fingers similar to human hands, such as three finger and five finger products, or they can be palms without fingers, such as parallel two finger clamps. It can be a humanoid pliers, etc. The Robotiq gripper has functions such as grasping, object detection, and automatic calibration, while the OBOtiQ 2F-85/140 gripper has a driver for opening and closing fingers. Pinch with fingers parallel or wrapped around; The gripping scheme of the Robotiq gripper depends on the geometric shape of the part and its relative position to the gripper. In other words, there may be different methods to select the same parts. Note that only when the finger first touches the object on the upper part of the distal phalanx, can it be held in parallel. On the contrary, for the capsule grip method, the fingers must first contact the proximal or distal phalanges of the object below. In addition, to ensure stability, the object should be placed on the support surface of the claw during the gripping process. (or supporting surface, ensuring stability and reliability)

Robotiq Claw Position, Speed, Force Control, Function Overview:

1. Position setting: Fingertip movement position.

2. Speed setting: The speed at which it opens and closes.

3. Force setting: Define the clamping force of the fixture.

This force will limit the larger current sent to the motor during the clamping motion (limiting the locking current). If the current limit is exceeded, the finger will stop and trigger an object detection notification.

Robotiq gripper object detection function: By checking the magnitude of the motor drive current. Pneumatic end effectors have become widely used in the industrial field due to their low cost and diverse product models. However, unstable air pressure output can lead to insufficient clamping force, making the workpiece prone to detachment. (Internal PID control of the controller. Once blocked, due to the action of the integral I, the driving current will increase. If it exceeds the larger limit of I, it is considered that the object has been grasped.). This function also applies to lost or discarded objects. If an object is detected falling, an alert will be sent to the user. The accuracy of object detection is only a few millimeters. In some cases, object detection may not detect an object even if it has been captured. For example, it can successfully pick up a thin object with fingertips without undergoing biological detection. For these reasons, please use this feature with caution.

Robotiq automatic claw correction function:

1. Robotiq's adaptive claw auto calibration will allow the claw to be adjusted to any fingertip.

2. Regardless of the size and shape of the fingertip used, it always starts opening at 0 and completely closes at 255, with directionality between 0 and 255.

3. Set up an automatic calibration program to automatically recognize finger width after switching fingers.